Word issues from a simplistic point of view

A way to while away time while waiting for the water to boil is to read world issue bloggers. This is a simplistic blog that focuses on issues like global warming, racism, student funding, music, politics and sport. The name is reflective of their aim to see the world as a village, where people can talk about things that affect them. However, very little of this actually happens on the blog. For a blog that was supposed to cover “current affairs”, they do not do justice to this vision, which was bold and impressive in itself.

The blog posts are uncomplicated, but do not focus on the core issues like why are rap music is said to be evil; why corrupt ministers are allowed do what they do; or why global warming is accelerating at such a speed. The blog posts mainly state the facts that have been presented already. They elaborate, but do not analyse or explain. Punctuation is mediocre. Most sentences are not properly constructed, and this makes reading the posts more difficult.

The layout of the blog is very attractive. It lures you to read the stories that are there. It is very uncluttered and organised. Bright pale colours are used to make this blog generally reader friendly. However, the font is small, so this might be a problem for those who are long-sighted.

This blog is perfect for those who cannot stand reading intensely analytical stories. It is for those who have simple minds, which cannot absorb in-depth and critical blogging.

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