Copenhagen Summit

The world is being told to go green. Reduce carbon emissions or we will all die. The icebergs are melting, water levels are rising, and puny islands in the middle of the pacific nowhere are facing challenges in controlling the rising levels.
And yet with all this bleakness that surrounds the Copenhagen Climate Summit, people still have time to point fingers and blame someone else.

If I’ve ever heard a whole load of baloney it had to come from China’s vice foreign minister who said that the US climate negotiator (wow, they negotiate about the destruction of the world) is extremely irresponsible for saying that no US climate control funding should be going to China. Excuse me good people, but when did China get so barmy? They are the ones who have rising carbon emissions in the whole world and they want the USA to finance them.Okay.Interesting. Because the USA is also guilty of high carbon emissions. It is second on the list of carbon emissions; rivalled by China; and the latter wants the US to give them money to contain their emissions. This has to be a classic case of blind leading the blind.

Yes I know that the USA has been adamant on this issue of controlling global warming. They did not sign the Kyoto protocol because it would affect their “economic performance”. Look where that got them. A recession, job losses, and poor distraught bankers committing suicide. So much for maintaining the economy.

So it is amazing how 187 countries have signed this protocol ( a binding agreement that commits industrialised countries to reduce carbon emissions), and one of the major contributors of greenhouse gases does not sign. The USA is truly a global hegemon. They just have a way of getting away with it don’t they? But we must thank God for Obama. He is one US president who seems to be moderately concerned about the environment. So we wait to see what concessions the delegates at the conference will make. It better be good.

But, China and USA need to get their act together.

They seriously need to get it together.