The difinitive of my soul ignited

Unathi Msengana
References : Former Rhodent, now Entertainment journalist (metro fm)

Pass times : Gym, hanging out with friends and family

book : Nervous conditions-Tsitsi Dangarembga

a comic strip!

1. My initial plan was never to study towards a degree in journalism. I wanted to study sports management at PE TECH. Both my parents being academics and former Rhodents,refused the idea and hence I ended up studying at Rhodes. I’m generally a creative person, which is why I opted for my major at Rhodes to be drama, and journalism and media studies as my second major. During the course of my years I fell in love with journalism, hence I followed it as a career path.

2. One has to be careful in terms of the research analysis that they use. In South Africa, print, television and radio, being the traditional forms of journalism serve as the guide for the new age media that is creeping into the industry to date. I believe that this is an exciting form of communication which brings new challenges. As much as it can be helpful, it can also be very dangerous in that there are few limits to information that is put out there. I do feel though that, South Africans should not look at the changes that global media is bringing in an American context, as the economic demographic of this country does not allow us to do so. The majority of the people are marginalised and hence they do not have the capabilities to move with the times of this new age form of journalism. This is why new media concepts for instance blogging will always be guided by traditional forms of media.

3.I am not one for making future plans. Every decision that I make is informed by where I am at the time. I do however still plan to continue in the path of informing those that want to listen, through entertainment journalism.

4. It is about time and I do not mean this in a racial context but it is long overdue. I think that journalism involves one being able to utilise their unique selling points and if that means that you have to speak the language of the people that you are practising your craft around, then so be it. Rhodes University is an institution renowned for its merit and the students who have had the unique opportunity of becoming students there should see this as a privilege.

Word for students: You are very privileged to have had the opportunity to study at Rhodes. Never take this opportunity for granted. Treasure it and use it to the best of your ability.


Anonymous said...

Never new that she could be so beautiful my goodness. I wonder to myself though whether or not her line of work coud be said to be journalism. I only really consider stations like safm and 702 more on the line of real journalism

Avy Maselwa said...

Before I started speaking with different journos from the different genres, i too was slightly confused as to what really defines journalism. I strongly believe though, that journalism is a tool used to inform and educate those that are lacking in those terms. It is however also true that education and information does not always have to be serious, it can also come in the form of entertainment, which is what i think defines Unathi's line of journalism.

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