Journalism is one thing I do right

Journalism is one thing I do right
Xolani Kondile

References: 2nd year bjourn student
books :There are two actually the first is by Allan Paton (Cry the beloved country) and Kahlil Gibran (Broken Wings)

Pass times : I enjoy lots of things but I enjoy spending time with my childhood friends, I don't see a lot of them lately. I also like spending quality time with little cousins and lastly I enjoy church and spending time with the youth in my church.
Lastly I enjoy church and spending time with the youth in my church.
Writing, if I could master the craft of writing I'd be the happiest man alive. Photography as well, call me a thief but I love stealing moments in time.

a comic strip!

1.It’s the love of information, and research. It’s more like teaching, which is something I'd like to do later on in my life

2.Each industry will always have its ups and downs. I understand that things are changing in journalism as a whole. I personally think that print as a mechanism of writing has been modified or rather developing, not necessarily dying. I believe that print is bread and butter of journalism.

4.I am more interested in media research, as a journalist id like to contribute by maybe freelancing. I want to travel Africa so that I can contribute to journalism by writing or commenting about other African countries politics from an outsider’s perspective if that makes sense.

5.I think it’s important that more African languages should be encouraged in this institution especially if it wants to attain an African image. It’s a disgrace to have more European languages than African languages especially South African indigenous languages, for instance isiXhosa and the like.

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