Spotlight on the Pencils

BluntRedPenicil, a fellow journ-student blog, falls under the spot light. It seemingly fails to impress with its very basic layout that looks slightly dull, although it saves one having to search the site to get around. I also miss the “About” box somewhere close to the top of the page. There is also the issue of consistency, with different fonts and font colours being used, and occasional typo or spelling errors occur. There is however a “blog archive” section on the right-hand tab that further eases navigation, and there are also some pictures uploaded.

Don’t let looks fool you however, as the other side of the coin is shinier with their posts: Even though not all posts are specifically journalism/journ-student related, with random posts ranging between anything from an ANC/Malema article to “free the weed”, it offers commentary and thoughts, interesting and entertaining, for both journalism and other students. One of my favourite articles is “Attention to detail or the lack of it”. You’ll find it a very opinionated blog, and you have to look no further than their first article to see that. Although I don’t agree with all they say (such as their weed article), it comes to show that they live up to their promise made in their manifesto, of a blog “…dripping with the honesty and conviction that only an opinionated young student…could give!”

Overall a very good first try at blogging and worth spending a few minutes browsing.

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