Journalism is my way of interpreting the world

Kaitlin Britz
References: First year Bjourn student

Contributor to Inkslingers101

Pass times :writing poetry, reading, facebook (haha), going out, causing trouble and wine

(it is a hobby)

Books :Anything by Paolo Cohelo, John Gray, Naomi Campbell- I am a reading creep

a comic strip!

1.I got into journalim because I have always had a passion for the media and I really enjoy writing

2. I do not think that print will ever die;however, the internet has revolutionised journalism and I do believe that the net will remain a strong influence on journalism and will also continue to change the face of journalism. The marginalised will most probably continue to not have access to non- print journalism, but because of this, there will continue to be a market for print journalism.

3. I see myself as either a travel writer or an editor.

I think that Xhosa is a good idea, but maybe they should include other African languages as well.

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