Is “Tree Pants” a blog because it isn’t worth the paper?

Glancing at the title of “Tree Pants” blog I immediately assumed it was just another forum to post love letters about saving the trees and other clichéd ideas. I was wrong. “Tree Pants” applies journalistic skills in a very student orientated manner, for example, reviewing the latest CD’s and generally having a colloquial, yet still appropriate tone throughout the blog. This blog also assumes a delightfully humorous tone with sexual innuendoes such as “we are not talking about the tree in our webmaster’s pants”. Sexuality, politics, writing, reading and religion are all topics you can expect to read about on this blog as they all relate to student life, in particular, a student journalists life. The links are a nice touch because they relate to the blog, its interests as well as the blogs target market. However, I did find a few minor problems with blog such as: consistent spelling errors, some topics have been overdone (politics) and it is missing a Twitter feed, which I believe would enhance the blog. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the blog because it is attractive, funny, interesting, and relevant to its target market and it gives the reader a unique view on the world. Instead of saving the trees, save some time to check out this blog!

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