Different life aspects and fair objectivity

Olwethu Xabanisa
References:Student at WSU and writes for Eastern Cape today

books :Dinner with Mugabe by Heidi Holland
Pass times:Brand house and SAB promotions Djing there and there
Getting to know how other people feel about a certain issue, listening to other people’s opinions and meeting different people who are in different professions.
Different life aspects and fair objectivity. Be passionate about everything in this career and work very hard at all times to fulfill your dreams and whatever you want to eradicate.

a comic strip!

1. I felt that South Africa needed a change in terms of portraying a clear picture to society regarding what they should really know and for them not to be told what to think about but rather think about what is really happening at present and off cause solutions to these kinds of problems they are experiencing.

2. Yes, print is kind of depreciating if I can put it that way but off cause everyone is entitled to their own opinion. For less privileged people this would be a problem because they won’t have an entire access to the “dominant” internet and if the good old newspapers and magazines die there would be some kind of censorship affecting a large number of poor people in and around the world. Remember TV is not enough as the only source of media because different stations are pushing different agendas and in SA for instance most people can’t afford satellite TV.

3. This is a very versatile profession therefore I wouldn’t predict my position but off cause somewhere in the media world.

4. That should have happened ages ago, Rhodes University is one of the excelling journalism institutions in SA and based in the Eastern Cape which is the Xhosa dominant province therefore I am entirely condoning this phenomenon.

Word to students:Be passionate about everything in this career and work very hard at all times to fulfill your dreams and whatever you want to eradicate.

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