One Brick Short of a Load

Bam! An explosion of URL’s; the list of my fellow journalism student’s blogs is daunting. We were assigned to select one and write a review. In all honesty, I started filtering through them based on their titles. One in particular caught my eye; Yellow Brick Rhode.
I instantly identified with the title seeing that I am a huge diehard fan of The Wizard Of Oz (novel and film). Yellow Brick Rhode is structurally clever and provokes ideas associated with its genre, as all students are on a journey – a road leading to somewhere incredible.
I expected a burst colour and images, but when the page finally loaded, the palette 101 Beige blankly stared back at me. I despise beige as my mother insisted on painting almost every wall in our house a different shade of brown. Our house was a big taupe mushroom hell. Despite my extreme dislike of the layout, I continued.
I was surprisingly impressed by Welcome to the Yellow Brick Rhode, the first post I read. I enjoyed how the blogger utilises the ‘Oz’ imagery. With every click, my mission became more and more interesting. The jargon is structured with proper grammar and spelling (thank goodness), yet remains engaged with the audience with youthful diction. The blog features posts on world affairs, politics, entertainment, sports and exciting community events.
Yellow Brick Rhode might not be the brightest crayon in the box, but it offers stimulating posts and has heaps of potential.

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