The List

Assignment: Road-test your journalistic shoes by doing something you have never done before and blog about it.

Mission: Retrieve ‘The List’ from Cullen Bowles.


The thought of the mission is making my heart race and my bones rattle. I am ready to seize the moment of excited curiosity in a realm that I have never encountered before; a boys residents on top of ‘Hate Hill’. The risky hill is as steep as scaling a pyramid. Luckily, it has never been necessary for me to conquer it, until today. This has to be done, I have to retrieve ‘The List’ no matter how much my body craves water and no matter how much my muscles throb.
My partner and I prepare ourselves for the ultimate mission, we both know that if we pull this off, it would be remembered as the greatest heist of the year. We adjust our black clothing and zip up our knee-length black leather boots. We commence our mission up the hill.
There are so many people around and hiding behind trees is starting to get annoying. As we draw closer, we hit the ground and drag our aching bodies the last couple of meters. I could hear voices nearby, my head starts rushing at the thought of getting caught. My fingers finally curl around Cullen Bowles’ brick pillars.
We find a great back entrance, but a little climbing is unavoidable. We hurl ourselves over the wall and cautiously approach the door. My partner swings it open and quickly pops inside. On her okay, I follow. Hastily, we started looking around for ‘The List’. I don’t see it. I spin around on the sound of movement behind me. Beady eyes blankly stare back at me; the cleaning lady looks scared but doesn’t make a noise as we single her the quite. My partner taps me on the shoulder and points to the wall – ‘The List’.
An overwhelming feeling of accomplishment sweeps over my whole body. My partner grabs ‘The List’ off the slab wall and we head for the exit. Unfortunately, our exit strategy was interrupted by the sight of the res’ roof. Bravado has the better of us and we climb up the fire escape to reach it. We arrogantly fish out a couple of cigarettes and light them with glee. The tobacco satisfaction and triumph can’t alleviate the panic I experience as I witness a small white ball slowly rolling down the corridor inside. I raise my head and catch sight of a handful of boys starting back at us.
The mission has been compromised. They immediately start towards us and suddenly every single body leaps towards the door. Relieve … the door is locked. My partner and I impulsively grab our belongings and ‘The List’ and vault off the roof to dash down the fire escape. We are not looking back, we dare not. We run down ‘Hate Hill’, trophy in hand, hearts racing, blood pumping, heels clicking. We finally touch safe ground and catch some air and surprisingly start laughing. We did it! We have acquired ‘The List’.
We position the list in proper lighting to examine it and it turns out to be exactly what we expected; the list contained the rankings of the girls res’ according to achievements and eligible dates. Our res appears second last. No one will ever see the list again and our reputation will forever be safeguarded, well that is, until they print out a new copy. Mission accomplished.


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