A walk to remember

a comic strip!

It is the day I think outside of the box by walking outside of the box. The road to Eden Grove suddenly seems very long. I step out of the library and I hesitantly perch a book on top of my head. I feel as if everyone is watching me, although there are not a lot of people. I firmly clutch my bag as if it will support me from the self-consciousness I am feeling. I take small steps, afraid that at any moment the book will fall from my head. I meekly turn into the corridor absorbing all the funny looks I am getting from other students.

My res mate shrieks out to me. “Ruth! What the hell are you doing?”“What does it look like?” I ask. “I am walking with a book on my head.”I groan inside. She is walking with a cute guy. I groan again. He probably thinks that I am a confused student who is having an identity crisis. “Are you working on your posture?” she asks. “No!” I vehemently deny. “It’s for journ. Can you believe it?” I sound so ludicrous. I continue to walk. A girl passes me with an amused look on her face. Another passes me without even batting an eyelid in my direction. It seems as if students who walk with books on their heads are normal to her. There is a puzzled look on another girl’s face. She probably did not expect such odd behaviour from me.

My body is tense and although it is not hot, I feel myself perspiring. I can feel…no, I can hear the blood rushing to my brain. My friend Yolanda passes me with some of her friends. She tolerantly looks at me and says like a mother would, “Ruth, I worry about you sometimes.” I chuckle uncomfortably, and carry on walking. The book nearly falls off my head, and intense devilish sniggers creep up from behind me. Two male students are obviously enjoying the free live comedy they are getting. I step into Eden Grove, swinging my hips, trying to look like an African woman who is practising her cultural obligation. It does not work.

When I get into the Eden Grove Blue lecture room, I quickly remove the book from my head, and I calmly settle in my seat. That was quite an experience. However, it is good to be back to my normal self, my normal, sane, composed and lady-like self.

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