Reading to be informed to inform

Sibongile Mkani

References: Former WSU student, now withDaily Dispatch
Book : I read what i like- Steven Biko
Pass times: I read, sleep and read some more

a comic strip!

1.I wanted to be a journalist, because I wanted to be ontop of things (know what is
happening around me). Journalism involves travelling and I love meeting people. More importantly, journalism meant that I would be informed and so be able to inform, help and educate those that are not.

2. I do not think that print is dying, but it is being overtaken by the new forms of journalism. Online journalism means that the message is being put out there much faster. I do believe though that, people will always want to have a copy of the paper, because it is easier to get a full of the story, unlike online where you get bits and pieces. Print media is advantageous, because unlike online services, a story that was put up in the morning will not still be there in the evening. As for the marginalised, we could say that they are the reason that print will not die, because the fact that they can not afford access to internet services and the like means that they will continue to buy the paper.

3.I'm am not sure, maybe heading up a news desk and assigning stories. Being a print journalist though, I have found that I constantly need to feul my passion, because there is no money in this profession which is why one has to really love it to survive.

4.I am Xhosa so I think that this is a wonderful idea. It is sad to see that we have still not incorparated African languages to our ways of communication. Congratulations to Rhodes this a positive step forward.

word for students: Passion for this career will be your wealth

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