Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa’s indulgent stay using tax payer’s cash.

I found the recent coverage on Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa’s expensive (R570 000) hotel stay exceptionally interesting because every single report that I read condemned it; I expected at least one ‘pro-government’ organization to try and justify the clear misuse of tax payer’s money but on a positive note, I found none. What I did enjoy however, was the different slants each report took. In the Mail & Guardian article, they made it very clear that the Congress of the People party was extremely angered by this abuse of government funds which, perhaps, points at a fondness for the party because it suggests that COPE would never accept such behaviour if they were in control. On the whole, they covered the event very briefly in comparison to the News24 article which I found, that was of a good length and contains all the facts and figures that the Mail & Guardian article does not. I found the use of quotations interesting because News24 and the Times Live have mostly the same quotations throughout both of their articles and also have a similar factual style of writing that does not hint at an allegiance with any organization; be it COPE or the ANC. In general, I found the News24 article to be the most valuable because it is easy to read for the average person, presents all the facts, contains strong headings, relevant quotations and lastly, is not overtly opinionated (which lets the reader decide for themselves what they think) because an ‘unclouded’ view is what we aim for!

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