Mugabe and Bennett and jail. Oh my!

The Zimbabwean Mugabe and Bennett saga is at the news front yet again with another arrest.

Roy Bennett is the treasurer for the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) and a key ally to Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, the party's leader and President Robert Mugabe's chief domestic rival. Bennett was first arrested in February and has been free on bail since March after his arrest on charges of banditry, terrorism and acts of insurgency.
On 14 October, Mutare Provincial Magistrate Lucy Mungwari ruled that Bennett be apprehended. The MDC called the jailing “another serious attack on the credibility of the inclusive government” (Associated Press) and according to The Christian Science Monitor, the recent ZANU-PF activities is pressuring the MDC to either fight back harder or completely pull out of the unity government.
The local independent radio station, SW Radio Africa, has released a comment by an unidentified human rights lawyer, “The previous Magistrate who ruled in favour of Bennett in the same matter was committed to prison and arrested at some point. So we believe there is a lot of fear and clearly political interference”.
The saga has even crossed international borders. BBC News has reported that The US has called for Mugabe to stop “harassing” his rivals and the EU also said it was "deeply concerned" that "politically motivated abuse persists".

Will Bennett be granted bail? Will Tsvangirai announce party withdrawal? It looks like the whole world has to play the waiting game.


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