Educaction Storm brews in Eastern Cape

The Eastern Cape has seen controversy around the tertiary institutions, which has resulted in violent riot, primarily around financial issues. The Daily Dispatch has recently covered a few related stories, that are all well written in that they give for a first hand account of the issues that have been probing these institutions, from the tertiary sources.

In Fort Hare female bursary holders were alleged to have been coerced into extending sexual favours to the lectures in exchange for an increase in marks so that their bursaries are maintained In the same location Mugabe has stripped students in support of the MDC of bursaries Shortly after these incidents, violent disputes broke out at Walter Sisulu University over a steep hike in fees

It is sad to see that to this day students are still being opressed by powers that are beyond their control and that all the promises that are being made by the government, to make attaining an education more of a reality, have still not come to life. Instead we have the minister of education blowing enough money to fund a Rhodes student for the duration of their bjoun degree on a party This behaviour is unacceptable because it is a demonstration that the political party that governs this country extends false hope to its voters. It seems that the efforts of June 16, 1976 are falling short.

We need a government that is inclusive of the needs of the least well off and one that uses the monies of tax payers wisely in fulfilling such.

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