Can the women be beyond gossip pages

On Sundays I usually read our Sunday papers as I feel that they cover in depth the happenings of the week as well as follow up stories. Even though I am a serious journalism student and read detailed accounts of hard news stories I do tend to be drawn to the entertainment pages more often then not. Lately though, I have been disturbed when reading these pages following an article that I read late last month that has identified most of these gossip columnist to be women.

It is worrying to note that of the masses of women that study towards a journalism degree, few of them follow the path of hard news, let alone hold management positions or even run news desks. According to a survey conducted by the SADC in September of this year, only 39% of South African women are on boards in media companies, 25% in top management postions and 35% in senior management.

The above makes me wonder whether the gossip and entertainment side of journalism is innate in women and whether or not the gap between men and women in the industry will ever be bridged.

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