Rwanda genocide criminal pleads not guilty

One of the men involved in the Rwandan genocide was recently captured and is being tried at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) in Arusha. Idelphonse Nizeyimana pleaded not guilty to the charges laid against him.

There are many reports on his capture and subsequent trial. The Al-Jazeera news site explains his trial in much detail, and gives background information about the genocide. It gives extra information that other sites do not give. It tells the reader about the $5 million bounty for his capture, and how he has been on the run for 15 years. This is important because it shows that the genocide criminals are being brought to justice. Although the process of bringing them before the courts has been slow, it encourages the victims to know that justice is being achieved for them. Al-Jazeera, however, reports that the tribunal can only hear appeals until 2010. This is puts it under pressure to search for the remaining criminals, so that they can be arraigned before the courts.

Other websites report the basics of the story, and add little or no background information like the BBC and Reuters. The most nonchalant of the reports I read was on Bloomberg. It was a very short report on the trial, which does not say a lot about Nizeyimana and about the genocide. It is as if they don’t care about the genocide and that criminals are still being brought to book about it.

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