Cry the beloved Bondesia

Before I even say anything else may I just mention that I am totally and utterly in love with the man who inspired the topic for this blog! That is quite a mouthful for one sentence.

But seriously, I am in love with him, in the figurative sense of course. Let me be a little bit more specific. I love how he writes. When I first read a novel by him, I was blown away. Don’t worry; it was really windy that day. It was love at first read. He was writing about a man I used to admire: Robert Mugabe. The book Our Votes Our Guns was a quite accurate account of the rule of Robert Mugabe.

Anyway back to the real issue. Martin Meredith. Ever heard of him? He is a journalist, who has travelled across Africa extensively. He kinda knows what he is talking about. Anyway, I read one of his books: The Fate of Africa. It has a lot of stories about African dictators who destroyed their countries and looted national coffers for their own benefit. My attention was drawn to Jean- Bèdel Bokassa, an African dictator in the 1970’s. Bokassa was one of those looneys, who thought that having a monarchy( with him as supreme king of course) in the French- colonised Central African Republic would establish it as a “cool” African country. The French had kinda developed the country, but he ran down the Central African Republic into the core of the earth. This got me thinking about Africans and their non-golden touch.

What would happen if the whole of France relocated to Bondesia (the fitting equivalent name for any African country), and the whole of the Bondesia moved to France? I hate to say this. All my African brothers forgive me, but the French would probably develop Bondesia into a First World country. And the Bondesians…

They would run down France so bad that Belgium, Switzerland and Germany would hurry to impose sanctions on them for violating the beauty of France. Even poor Napoleon would turn in his grave. The street light poles would be torn down and used to build chicken pens. Laundry would be hung on telephone wires. The vineyards would all be uprooted and replaced with cassava fields. There would be a civil war over who could control the Eiffel Tower. All the beautiful, cultured chateau gardens would be turned into grazing land, and donkeys would become the mode of transport in Marseille. Soon, all the Bondesians who want to live the good life would leave France and migrate to Bondesia in search of greener pastures. Worse, the French franc would fall 1 000 000 % in the first three-quarters. Nah…that’s an exaggeration, but it would lose value in some way. All the roads would be decorated with boreholes of potholes. Life would be most definitely nasty and brutish, but not short.

Thank goodness Bondesia is only a figment of my imagination, otherwise I would have been sued for every worthless Zim dollar I possess. But the attitude I have shown above is a typical stereotypical view of Africans: everything we touch seems to turn to mould; we will never develop; we are uneducated, primitive and don’t know what is going on. Well, we are not that bad. Although we have a tendency to mismanage affairs, we are the ones who give boring capitalist life a tint of humour. So, all of the Africa haters out there need to relax. My beautiful Africa is on the road to discovery and recovery.


Anonymous said...

I beg to oppose madam on the last paragraph. Unfortunately a notable amount of African leaders have run the countries they govern aground but no mistake there are a lot of proud Africans doing well out there. As a continent we have a long way to go admittedly but lets put things into perspective; while the industrial revolution was creating a whirl in the west, madzitateguru edu were picking berries in the wild. Give us time, we'll get there!!!

but on the whole a witty article. Love the humour

ruth said...

Anonymous, if you noticed, I said "stereotypical view". Of course Africa is not all that bad. But, the view that I presented is one that is overwhelmingly common.

ruth said...

"madzitateguru" is the Shona word for ancestors.

Anesu said...

I read it, I think it is really good in a general term, because, comparing to ur writting while u were still on school, this is more mature, and am glad to note that u have continued to expand ur knowledge and ur writing is not limited to anything, I am proud of you babe..

Yolandie said...

I have to disagree with you Ruth,Afrcan leaders do not always manage to run down their countries into corruption infested Banana Republics. Although there are several African states that give evidence of your view one should look at the reasons why this is so-African leaders where hurriedly put in place after the colonialists fled from Africa,they had no training etc on how to run a state..its not their fault the colonial powers did aid them in the transition to self-rule. There lies the reason why Africa is in such a sorry state-as always blame it on the white man

ruth said...

Yolandie...good observation, but what about those who were educated in the colonial master's backyard,know political ideology like the back of their hand, but still manage to run their states down? Do we lay the blame on the coloniser or the colonised?

bllessing renzo said...

Blessing said.........
I beg to differ with you when you said African's are not educated,and are primitive.It would have been a bit sensible had you said ''Africans are educated fools!!!''.However i agree with you on the tendency of African leaders to run down their states,i mean,everywhere you go in this moribund continent its only problems,problems and finaly problems!!!!,stemming from political fluidity.

ruth said...

blessing I said the fact that Africans are not educated and are primitive is a stereotypical view, and is not the case in reality. Some of the most intelligent people in the world can be found on this continent.

Yolandie said...

power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely,thats the reason for the sorry Africa is in..this blog thing is actually quite dope:)

ruth said...

Thank you Yolandie...that was the reaction I intended to get from the reader.

b said...

i didn't say there are no intelligent people in this continent,but the majority are educated but they don't know the very reason why they are educated!!!.it doesn't make sense to me for one to be intelligent,yet so poor,and most Africans fall under this category!!!.

ruth said...

true observation...look at Zimbabwe for example.Its full of intellectuals in both the ruling party and the MDC.Flip, this GNU has potential man. But what do they do instead? They spend their day squabbling in parliament over what cars minsters and MPs should get. It's a shame.

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