You find Journalism boring?Really?

A blog on journalism; how boring you may think. However, I aim to prove you wrong. Journalism is a vital aspect to our entire world, yours included, because media actually controls the world! We receive media messages constantly through: radio, newspapers, billboard, television, the internet and many, many other resources. Journalism is such a broad topic that it allows one to blog on almost everything because one can write on anything and then apply journalistic skills or mediums (such as blogging and twitter) to make it accessible for readers. Therefore, without journalists, you would be uninformed and your own life would be dull and dreary! The world figuratively revolves around journalism, not me, as I like to believe, and therefore I believe we all should take an interest in Journalism.

Life in general, especially as a university student, surprises me daily because of the concentrated personal interactions that happen on daily basis and complicate my life; and this blog is an outlet for me to write on these events whilst applying my journalistic skills. Therefore this blog applies to majority of the people currently reading this! I see life in a rather cynical way which you will see in my upcoming blog posts and will hopefully learn to enjoy because they might just change your own perception of the world.

In addition, I plan to blog about various interesting and humorous things as well creating rather opinionated blogs on serious issues like politics, which do affect you, believe it or not. Drawing on my own life experience will be a major factor in my blogging. Relevance to those who I am aiming my blog at is significant to me and I aim to blog quite extensively about University life because I feel that mainly students will be reading my blog posts.

In conclusion, my main aim for this group blog is to bring Journalism to life for those who may not find it as important or as exciting as I do because worldly affairs really do affect everyone and Journalism aids us all in informing us about these affairs. I would also like to enlighten current Journalism students as to what is going on in the course because sometimes the work is rather confusing and I want to inform high-school students about Journalism as a subject for those who would like to study it. I will also use the blog as a forum for practicing the skills I have learnt through studying Journalism and lastly, to voice my own opinion, mostly because I can.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I agree with you on the complication of university life...the work load and the social pressure! I also see life in a cynical way and am looking forward to reading your posts on your experiences. I like that your blog applies to the experiences of Rhodes students, but also relates to current affairs. I think because your blog posts will be humorous and opinionated they will be effective in creating interest in supposed boring journalistic messages.

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