My Identity Becomes My Purpose

I am a first year studying Journalism and Media Studies (JMS) at Rhodes University in Grahamstown. I am a young and unsullied, aspiring journalist and a newbie writer from South Africa. I have wanted to be a journalist since I was a youngster. Of course, that might not be entirely true in the present sense. I wanted to sit next to Riaan Cruywagen (a dinosaur South African news anchor) behind a grand desk with name printed cups, wearing a power suit and surrounded by makeup artists who are intensely trying not to disturb my effortlessly styled tresses. It was only until my senior year of high school that my future journalism career took a more patronizing and academic focus.

I am here writing a blog, together with three fellow JMS students and friends, because “I believe in the profession of journalism” and it’s mesmerizing beauty and influential power. I believe in journalism’s mission, in spite of some of its struggles. It tells the truth about people’s lives, commemorates suffering and brings to center stage up-to-minute events. I try to make a difference in my community and in individuals’ lives and I believe that journalism is the perfect gizmo to utilize.

As an exuberant activist and upbeat writer and human being, I believe that good journalism can enrich our personal lives and be exciting and entertaining. At the same time, I believe that journalism should be regarded as being part of the great cause to advance international democracy and home in on social problems that should be brought to light. By observing the world around us, at the end of the day, we learn more about ourselves in that world. I want to show as many people as possible that journalism is a budding, interminable field that is truly valuable to our public and personal lives. I want to share what I have learnt during my first year and post what I feel is important as a potential journalist.

As a group, we want to represent student’s enthusiasm, restlessness and strong back bones while showcasing our skills and fun professionalism. We want our blog to embody a fun and creative learning tool for us and our readers.

I am an eager and ambitious learner who cannot hold my horses for others to challenge me and possibly, challenge themselves. I candidly invite others’ brilliant remarks that push boundaries and allow us to rediscover our hidden qualities and outshine our capacities. Remember that the beauty of writing is that it allows you to share what you are unable to say.

I am Ghostwriter

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